Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Fields of possibility...

To show you the great extent of my tireless search for work in the last three weeks, I'm going to list a few of the ideas that have drifted in and out of my melon...It's easy, you just tell me what you think sounds the best or you can even make up a job for me...I'm just looking for feedback here...

Some considerations:
Monastery, becoming a man of the land.
Church Music Leader
Food Bank Staff
Youth Outreach Program Guy
Youth Minister
Professional Google Find Guy
Car Salesman
Real Estate Agent
Dog Whisperer
School Para or Assistant
Whole Foods Market Employee

That's the list...amazing right...let the tide roll in.


Leah Marie said...

I would like to say that being a dog whisperer sounds phenomenal.. I am sure Remy has prepped you well. On a second though being a para in Minneapolis pays super well and you would be good at it!

Kyle said...


Definitely go commando.

Jess said...

baker/chef is my vote. i would totally buy your stuff...but since i'm unemployed as well, i guess i can't offer all that much.

maybe you and i should start something together...seeing that my skills are fairly unmarketable (who really needs someone who knows a lot about WV and the Cubs?) we could be a good team.

thanks for dinner the other night. it was great to see you two...well you 3, with remy...let's do that again soon. i'm missing having 40 hours a week to hang out together.

DrĂ¼ said...

How about working at Bethel or Northwestern in their Student Life offices. Could be a good fit.

Kari Smith said...

I'd like to second Leah's motion of dog whisperer. Not sure what that is but you could start a new trend! You know, like doggie day care and dog spas!

Xeryl said...

On my three weeks off, I went to a petting zoo with a friend and her kids and the stupid goats kept escaping and I had to herd them back in. It was fun. And I got to thinking...farming ain't so bad!

P.S. I miss you A LOT!!!!!!in this club.

Jake Ladd said...

Maybe if you have the skills to be a professional google find guy, you could google find yourself a job! Boom! you just got served!

Robbie Cape said...

What about crane operator, dishwasher engineer, oh, I got it, be a rock star, they makes lots of money, or a king.